
In October 2007, I was granted an internship at, the web's leading source of gaming and entertainment news. During that time, I contributed articles for IGN's Gear and DVD channels. I served loyally as a for-credit intern until late December '07, at which point I was hired as an on-site freelancer. Since January '08, my freelance duties have been continually expanded. Now, I write for nearly every section of site's entertainment division, which consists of: DVD, Movies, Gear, TV, and Music. Additionally, I edit and publish articles for IGN's Anime and Manga channels. To-date, I've contributed over 174 articles to the site in addition to my editing and processing duties. The following are links to all of the articles I've authored or co-authored since October '07. Newer articles are posted towards the bottom of each month, and new and notable articles are highlighted in the column to the right.